Yacht Racing Charter & Sailing School

Sail repair service in Gibraltar

Sail repair service in Gibraltar

In association with UK sails, we are pleased to say we are now able to offer a sail repair service here in Queensway Quay, Gibraltar. We have recently invested in a new Refrey sail makers sewing machine enabling us to carry out sail repairs with a same day or next day service. Major repairs and new sail orders will still be undertaken in Malaga at the UK Sails main loft. Please contact us on 00447808174186 for all your sail...

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UK Sailmaker Gibraltar- New Sailmaking machine

UK Sailmaker Gibraltar- New Sailmaking machine

UK Halsey sails manager Andy Longarela, has recently made a massive investment to maintain his reputation and sail making ability as the leading sail maker and sail service and repair center of excellence in Andalucia. His new investment comes in the form of “The Beast”, a DÜRKOOP ADLER 366 sailmakers sewing machine, now fully installed and commissioned in the UK Halsey sail loft in Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain. This...

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Voile repare Gibraltar, voilerie

Voile repare Gibraltar, voilerie

Voile répare Gibraltar En association avec les voiles UK Halsey, nous sommes heureux de dire que nous sommes maintenant en mesure d’offrir un service voile réparation ici dans la baie de la Marina, Gibraltar. Nous avons récemment investi dans une nouvelle voile Refrey répare les décideurs sewing machine nous permettant de mener à la voile avec un même jour ou le service le jour suivant. Réparations majeures et les nouvelles...

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